Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spinning with the Langster

My first comments after a couple of rides on my new Langster (been a week already):

- on downhills, this freewheel 48T/16T really makes me spin my heart off! Shall I change the chainring for a bigger one?
- sharp turns at slow speed (i.e. turning the handlebars) make me touch the front wheel (700 is a big wheel for a mountain biker) with my shoe sometimes. Anything I can do about it... [thinking]
- slightly tuned the seat height and pulled the saddle a bit backward, for a better comfort
- the bike is overall fast, it's a great purchase. When I rode my HardRock MTB the other day, it felt very heavy. But mountain bikes are fun, they move in 3 dimensions; besides one bunny hop with clips, the Langster doesn't. 
- the bike is overall very quiet 
- I got used to hold the drops when starting the bike, the bent ain't that bad.  
- the question "why a singlespeed?" IS annoying
- my commute dropped of a handful of minutes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been riding a langster for about a year now and really enjoy it. I just recenetly switched over to a fixed gear, that takes a little getting used to, next, I may get rid of the rear brake.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006  

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